Wednesday, February 16, 2011

House Fiscal 11 Budget Proposal Could Devastate the National Weather Service’s Life-Saving Warnings and Forecasts

House Fiscal 11 Budget Proposal Could Devastate the National Weather Service’s Life-Saving Warnings and Forecasts

This is a link I was sent pertaining to a possible budget cut on the National Weather Service and the many services they provide.  Coming from a meteorology degree, this was very upsetting news to receive.  The cuts they are proposing would hurt our field tremendously and could have devastating impacts on the country.  Since this is my last year at college, I am particularly nervous to enter a job field that could possibly take a such a hard blow.  When the time comes to vote on passing this bill or not, I highly suggest going against it, and saving the meteorology program in this country!


  1. It will be interesting to see where this ends up. Lots of things are going to be affected as we try and get ourselves out of these tough economic times.

    I rely very heavily on accurate winter forecasts for my recreation of choice so I am on your side on this one!

    great mix of media so far keep it up.

    -prof O

  2. Thanks Kevin, I'm very happy to see that you side with me on this possible budget cut. I definitely agree with us going through many changes as we get out of these economic times. It makes me nervous to think my job field could take such a massive blow.

    As the years go on, the population continues to grow in every part of the world. With so many storms affecting our coastlines, it is critical to have proper warning systems to save lives and protect human property. I am sure many are anxious to see how this budget plays out, and lets pray its in our favor.
